Friday, February 08, 2008

A Red (Brown?) Letter Day for Betsy!

Betsy used her potty for the first time today! We've been trying for a month with lots of sitting and false "I did it!" declarations....

But TODAY Betsy suddenly said she wanted to go sit on her potty and ran into the bathroom. We got her set up and I went to throw away her diaper when I heard, "I did it!" I expected for it to be another false alarm, but when I ran back into the bathroom there she was standing proudly over her "creation" and pointing. She had indeed, done it!

Few times in your life does poo make you this excited. ;)

She is now happily munching on her smiley face shaped fruit snacks, proudly wearing pull-ups, and declaring "Fruit smiles are so delicious!"

What a good girl. We're so proud. :)

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