Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Mom the Music Critic

Check it mom got her review of the Mark Schultz concert she attended published on the web! :)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Another handsome cousin--David Posted by Picasa

Handsome cousin Seth Posted by Picasa

Thanks for my adorable new hat, Aunt Kathy, but it's a little too hot to wear it today! Posted by Picasa

Jesse and Betsy  Posted by Picasa

Four beautiful Detweiler cousins: Rachel, Betsy, Katie and Hannah Posted by Picasa

Hey, Kitty! Posted by Picasa

Rachel and Betsy play with Jake the kitty Posted by Picasa

Jesse and Seth showing Betsy a lightning bug Posted by Picasa

Cousins Jesse and Rachel Posted by Picasa

Cute cousin Katie Posted by Picasa

Oooo...a piece of paper! Posted by Picasa

Betsy enjoying the attention of lots of older cousins! Posted by Picasa

Enjoying the warm summer evening with strawberries, ice cream and watermelon--Grandma, Aunt Kathy, Rachel, David, Betsy and Uncle Linford Posted by Picasa

Grandpa John telling a story--Uncle Conrad is listening intently!  Posted by Picasa

Aunt Donna and Uncle Jonathan visiting all the way from Seattle Posted by Picasa

Five Detweiler ladies...Grandma Ruth, Aunt Kathy, Mommy, Katie, and Betsy Posted by Picasa

Katie, Seth, Rachel (the ears), and David enjoying some watermelon and hijinks! Posted by Picasa

Whoa...cousin Seth has sprouted donkey ears (courtesy of his big sis, Rachel)! Posted by Picasa

Picnicing at Uncle Conrad and Aunt Kathy's--that's cousin David from Seattle playing with Betsy. Posted by Picasa

Daddy, Betsy and Grandpa cooling off after the wagon ride with some refreshing drinks. Posted by Picasa

The most gentle, friendly animal on the whole farm, according to our wagon driver, Bubba the Brahma bull. Posted by Picasa

A Scottish Highland cow coming to get some food from Uncle Linford. Posted by Picasa

Llamas and antelope, or something like that Posted by Picasa

Betsy was amazed at all those animals...especially at the flies that landed on the wagon! Posted by Picasa

Uncle Linford enjoying the ride Posted by Picasa