Today I am thankful...
That I am safe in the arms of God's grace through Jesus
For a wonderful loving family
For kind and warm friends (like the Turners who shared their Thanksgiving with us today!)
For my husband, Myron, who is more loving, caring, generous, passionate, strong, and romantic than I ever dreamed possible...what an incredible man!
For my baby girl, Betsy, and her smiles, coos, laughter, tears, sleepy days and sleepless nights...I wouldn't trade any of it because she is my heart!
For the sweet companionship of one big yellow dog named Gideon
For the furry warmth of a giant tabby named Phoebe
For all the blessings that my Father in heaven has so lavishly bestowed upon me
May your Thanksgiving remind you of your blessings and give you some quiet moments in which to count them!