Random Betsy facts update:
She has discovered the fun of computer keyboards...we're letting her play with an old one and she loves to pound on it.
When she's really happy she wrinkles up her nose when she smiles.
She likes to roll around on her back with her feet in the air making gargling sounds.
When she is nursing she rubs her little hand up and down my arm.
Foods she has tried now:
Green beans (baby food)
Bananas (baby food)
peas (both whole from Mommy and Daddy's plate and baby food)
rice cereal
applesauce (baby food)
Fruit Puffs
Saltine crackers
Sprite (that was a shocking taste sensation!)
She is learning to wave.
She averages 5 very messy poos a day! (I know you wanted to know that.)
She's wearing, and fitting quite nicely into, some of the 12 month hand-me-downs we got from my cousins!
She really loves her dog Gideon...she smiles whenever she sees him and loves to pet him when he gets close enough to let her (he's kind of a scaredy pants!)
She also likes to pet the big fat kitty Phoebe and Phoebe actually purrs when she does...if you know Phoebe, you know that this is rather miraculous.
There you have it...Betsy in a nutshell. I'm sure there will be more new things to report soon! :)