Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Molly Show Week in Review

Highlights in the week of Molly:

Worked most of the week on an editing project for Zondervan. Then on Thursday I was copied on an email from the author of the project. He was unhappy about his stuff getting cut so much and other various issues. I am determined if I ever become an author in my own right I will not act like most authors I've worked with as an editor. Blah...they tend to be annoying. So, even with a deadline of June 22 looming I was told to hold off until they could work things out with the author's attorney. Ugh.

One good thing about not having to work this weekend was that the nursery got cleaned out finally. It's not terribly organized yet, but I cleaned out about 6 boxes of miscellaneous junk so that there is actually room in the nice walk-in closet now to, well, WALK IN! :) I had kept so many weird things from my past that I finally said "so long" to--dead, dried flowers given to me by someone I don't remember, all my notes from college classes, letters from old boyfriends (sorry, guys, they went bye-bye), craft projects from Bible name it, it was in that closet. I must be growing up...I was able to toss a lot of it without feeling bad at all! :)

Friday night Myron and I went to TGIFriday's for dinner over at the "big mall." It's been stormy off and on all week and while we were in there it started thundering pretty loud. Then we saw on the TV in the bar that there was a possible tornado in the area. When we finished dinner and started to go walk around in the mall we noticed that several stores were closing and people were being ushered into the side hallways where deliveries come in. It was very weird...we weren't sure what to do, so we left. There wasn't even any rain on our way home. On the news later it said that a funnel cloud was spotted right over where we were, but it didn't touch down. What a strange experience!

The least fun part of the week came last night. I didn't feel very well...felt like I might be getting a bladder infection, but thankfully the feeling passed after a few hours. But then I couldn't sleep to save my life last night. I ended up reading in the living room until 3:30 (Rumors of Another World by Philip Yancey...very good read!) The baby kept me company--bouncing around like Tigger in my belly at 3 AM! (I was spooning with Myron when we first turned out the lights and the baby kept kicking him in the back. I had to move so he could sleep!) So, poor Myron went to church alone today so I could sleep in. Poo. I hate missing church.

At least I'm feeling pretty okay now that I'm up. No naps today! Maybe that will help me sleep better! Why is it that I can sleep fine during the day, but not at night? Perhaps it is just God's way of preparing me for what's in store come September! Oh boy.

Coming up this week: Road trip to Indiana for my second baby shower! Woo-hoo!

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