Thursday, June 30, 2005

Sleep--Oh, how I loved you...

Sleep is becoming hard to come by these days. I guess I should just get used to it since that's not going to change for a long time to come now! Last night I was so exhausted after working all day to finish a deadline--but I couldn't sleep to save my life.

Between heartburn, back pain, sore, stretching tummy muscles, having to pee every 30 minutes, and legs that felt like something was crawling all over them--plus what feels like a small brook trout swimming around inside me--I didn't finally drift off into any quality sleep until 5:30 this morning. I finally went down and laid on the couch at about 1:30 since I figured I was keeping Myron awake with all my tossing.

At about 8 AM a rip-roarin' thunderstorm hit and I was once again done sleeping. Sigh. Guess this is God's way of preparing me for motherhood of a newborn! Thanks...I guess.

On a happier note, check out this cuter than anything video made by my brother's pastor of his kids dancing. If it doesn't make you smile then you are in need of some serious therapy! ;)

1 comment:

patti said...

Here's a fun thing to do while you're pregnant - keep track of the actual times that the trout wakes you up in the night with it's flip-flapping, and after he/she is born, see if the baby cries/wakes up at those same times.