Monday, June 27, 2005

Stinky beans

We just got back from picking up a loaner car from the body shop where they are fixing the SUV. We also pulled all the stuff out that was still in the back of the truck (we were coming back from a cookout so there were all kinds of cookout stuff--including some leftover brats!) STINKY!!! But thankfully the worst casualty of the wreck were the baked beans splattered all over the back...and the body shop said they'd steam clean the insides before we get it back. Whew!

We hadn't really seen the damage because we stayed on the opposite side of the truck from where it hit after the accident. It crunched one corner pretty good, but there was no engine damage...the fender and headlight took it all. Strangely the windshield is really cracked right in front of the passenger was just from the impact but it sure looks like a head hit there. Thankfully mine didn't!

After surveying the damage we feel thankful all over again. God is truly good to us!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

So glad that you guys are ok after the accident. God is so good!!