Sunday, July 31, 2005

Strangely ill

So I woke up three different times last night feeling really faint and nauseated. I would get blazing hot and have to throw all the covers off and lay there and breath deeply trying not to barf, pass out or do any other nasty things. Then, as soon as the nausea would pass I would get freezing cold and start shaking. The third time Myron woke up and got me a comforter, wrapped me up and then wrapped himself around me to help me stop shaking. It was very weird. On top of that my chest felt all scratchy like I was getting a chest cold. Myron had the same weird chest feeling so I guess we both had a bit of a bug or something. Thankfully my nausea and chills were gone after that third time and I was just left with a bit of a cough. We both napped and took it easy and tonight I'm feeling pretty okay again.

My theory is that we're both fighting a little respiratory bug and that my sick tummy was from too much rich food and candy yesterday. My hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) has been acting up some in the last few weeks so I better lay off the sweets!

Whatever it was I'm glad it didn't last long...feeling sick is not fun anyway and it feels twice as nasty when you're pregnant and you have a 4 pound child pressing against your stomach! :p (it's okay Little One, I know you don't do it on purpose!)

Okay...I know...we'll chalk this up to the too much information post of the century! Yuck! :)

1 comment:

I am Z said...

it's nice to have someone to hwlp you feel better when not feeling good.

pat on the back to your hubby for "wrapping around you"
